Giving Voice to the Law School’s Past
The newest collection in the Pritzker Legal Research Center doesn’t contain a single book, journal or article. Instead, the Law School library has been hard at work archiving records of a ...
Professor Martin Redish fell in love with the Constitution when he was a junior in high school. By the time he reached Harvard Law, he knew he wanted to impact the shape of Law. His senior thesis did just that with its groundbreaking argument that commercial advertising deserved First Amendment protection and launched him into a career in academia. Today Professor Redish says there’s a symbiotic connection between his practice, scholarship, and teaching.
The newest collection in the Pritzker Legal Research Center doesn’t contain a single book, journal or article. Instead, the Law School library has been hard at work archiving records of a ...
Earlier this month, Joseph Becker (JD ’18) became the first Northwestern Pritzker School of Law student to win the Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA)’s Outstanding Student Award for his ...
On Thursday, April 19, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law formally dedicated the south atrium addition as the Lanny and Sharon Martin Atrium, in recognition of the Martins’ extraordinary ...