The #MeToo Movement Through a Legal Lens
With Professors Laura Beth Nielsen and Deborah Tuerkheimer What started out as a viral moment has grown into a movement that has resulted in both praise and controversy. Laura Beth ...
With Professors Laura Beth Nielsen and Deborah Tuerkheimer What started out as a viral moment has grown into a movement that has resulted in both praise and controversy. Laura Beth ...
Professor Martin Redish Whether it’s Milo Yiannopoulos being unable to speak at Berkeley or James Damore being fired for his Google memo, freedom of speech has repeatedly emerged as a topic ...
Professors David Dana and Nadav Shoked There are looming conflicts between the Trump administration and local governments on a number of issues, including (but not limited to) ...
In his new book, James E. Pfander, Owen L. Coon Professor of Law, examines the judicial response to human rights claims arising from the Bush Administration’s war on terror. Despite widespread ...
Attorney Carter Phillips (JD ’77) The Supreme Court has faced a whirlwind of change and controversy over the last year, first with the death of Justice Scalia and then with the ...
Professors Eugene Kontorovich, Andrew Koppelman, and Deborah Tuerkheimer Trump’s presidency has brought about a lot of change, especially in regard to law. In this episode of ...
Stephen Presser, Raoul Berger Professor of Law Emeritus, argues in his new book, "Law Professors: Three Centuries of Shaping American Law" (West Academic, 2017), that there is no country in the ...
Professor Deborah Tuerkheimer The issue of sexual assault on campuses and how to best combat these incidents is a highly debated topic among legal professionals. How should these crimes be ...
Professor Peter DiCola New technology has greatly lowered the barrier of entry into the music industry for new artists looking to release recordings and distribute their music broadly. How ...